T +61 2 6622 4011

Northern Rivers Profiles

The latest economic and demographic data for the Northern Rivers is just a click away with our Economic and Community Profiles.

Access to current data provides a key avenue for entrepreneurs, businesses and local government agencies to monitor the business environment. It allows for informed business decisions and provides guidance to business planning and development. Accurate and up to date information is vital to guide effective planning for local government and community sector policies and programs.

The Northern Rivers Profiles provide a comprehensive set of economic and community data.

Powered through REMPLAN, the Economy Profile provides an interactive tool that allows you to view data across a broad range of industries. The Economy Profile also has a specific section dedicated to tourism industries.

The Community Profile uses data sourced through REMPLAN and the Australian Bureau of Statistics to provide a great source of demographic information for the Northern Rivers Region.

Both Profiles allow comparative data to be viewed across LGA, our region, our state and Australia as a whole in both graphical and tabular displays.

Explore the Northern Rivers Profiles on REMPLAN through links below. (These links will take you outside of the RDA Northern Rivers website)

Economy ProfileREMPLAN logo
Community Profile


Regional Data from Jobs and Skills Australia

The Australian Government provides access to a wide range of regional data and downloadable data through the Jobs and Skills website. 

The site provides Monthly Labour Market and six-monthly Industry Profiles downloadable dashboards, which provide an easy to read analysis of the latest data. You can view samples of the dashboards here and here

Jobs and Skills Australia’s public data includes the Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation (NERO). This tool allows users to view and download customisable data by SA4 regions.


Top Downloads

Contact RDA-NR

105 Molesworth Street
(PO Box 146)
Lismore NSW 2480 [Map]

T +61 02 6622 4011

F +61 02 6621 4609

Fb facebook.com/rdanorthernrivers

All RDA-NR Contact Details