Regional Certifying Body (SESR subclass 494)
As a Regional Certifying Body (RCB) for the Northern Rivers, RDA Northern Rivers provides advice to the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) on the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494) (SESR visa) in the Employer Sponsored (ES) stream.
We’re here to help
The RCB’s role is to provide advice to Home Affairs on the SESR – ES applications, using local area knowledge to advise on whether the nominee for the position will be paid at least the Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR) for the occupation.
ES stream nominations must be accompanied by advice from an RCB; however, this advice can be provided before or after lodgement of the ES stream nomination application with Home Affairs.
RCBs must provide their assessment advice to Home Affairs within 28 days of receipt of the request. RCB advice is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
Quick tools to process
- Make a payment
- Find out relevant SESR postcodes
- Check the SESR Criteria
- Read more about the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494)
Download the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional – Regional Certifying Body evidence: Form 1404 and our SESR checklist
Payment processing fees
All visa applications must include a payment of $770 (including GST) and made payable to:
RDA Northern Rivers
BSB: 728-728
Account no: 22314292
Ref: Nominee or business name
For information about application process and lodgement please email
Q: Why do I need RCB advice?
A: The RCB’s role is to provide advice to Home Affairs on the SESR – ES applications, using local area knowledge to advise on whether the nominee for the position will be paid at least the Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR) for the occupation.
ES stream nominations must be accompanied by advice from an RCB; however, this advice can be provided before or after lodgment of the ES stream nomination application with Home Affairs.