T +61 2 6622 4011

Local Youth Takeover Lismore

Recently, RDA Northern Rivers was honoured to have been invited to hear what is important for our region’s youth through Takeover Lismore.  The ABC’s Takeover Lismore is a weeklong program that provides a forum for young people from our region to share...

Takeover Lismore launches youth ideas for our region

Takeover is an exciting new place-based initiative, building on the success of the long-running Heywire program. It provides a platform for young people from the regions to be heard on the ABC and in their local community. Through school workshops, a youth Summit and...

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Contact RDA-NR

105 Molesworth Street
(PO Box 146)
Lismore NSW 2480 [Map]

T +61 02 6622 4011

F +61 02 6621 4609

Fb facebook.com/rdanorthernrivers

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